The picture is attached to a page on my business website as the easiest method to share the photo. The studio card measures 4.25 x 5.75. It is stored in a drawer in my home business office where it has been for the last dozen years. I bought the card at an antique gun market in Missoula, MT. The seller told me he purchased the assortment of old cabinet cards at an estate sale from an old-time sheriff. It makes sense that a sheriff would collect photos of outlaws and lawmen. If this was some random studio that decided to write in Billy the Kid on a random photo of a young man, they did a pretty good job of matching the signature. And, how would they have known what his signature would look like unless they had a copy of the letter to the NM governor. The card predates Adobe Photoshop. Maybe this card is another insight into Billy the Kid’s history.